Work Relationships Matter: Consequences of Dis and Misinformation
Do you know the difference between misinformation and disinformation? How can either affect your workplace or life in your community? Every day I pray that I can accept the truth no matter who or where it comes from. However, social media and entertainment...
Work Relationships Matter: Workplace Fads, Trends, and Main Things
Are you aware of the current fads and trends in the workplace? What trending issues affect your organization the most? Leaders/managers use fads and trends to bolster productivity and interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Leadership gurus introduced fads...
Work Relationships Matter: Leadership Transformation
What is the difference between a textbook and an authentic leader? What type of leader do you want to be? While in graduate school I learned theories about human behavior. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People provided the roadmap of how to put those...