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Zoe Chance, author of Influence is Your Superpower, inspired me to write this week’s blog on influence. I have read so many books on leadership, management, power, and influence. I didn’t think I needed another one until I heard Zoe’s interview on NPR. Curiosity got the best of me, so I bought the audible book. After listening to it, I had to buy the paperback. The information she provides would be helpful in any setting but is most poignant for the workplace. The information is not new; however, she filters it through a marketing lens. Which adds an interesting twist that can help leaders and others see employee retention from another perspective. Although my MBA concentration was Management and Marketing, I never thought of using marketing as a management tool. Zoe indicated that one of the most powerful marketing questions to ask a potential buyer is: What will it take to get you to…?

It appears that leaders will have to consider using marketing concepts to retain employees. I spoke with a young man on a plane trip to Chicago who had all of the goodies management offered but was still contemplating a move. He is not alone; employees are leaving “corporate” settings in droves. 

If money, perks, and prestige aren’t enough, what is? Simon Sinek author and speaker suggest that companies with a clear sense of WHY employees’ work is valued are a step in the right direction. He also mentions being a part of the workplace community. In addition, I believe the focus has to be on the quality of relationships within employee and stakeholder communities.

Empathy, curiosity, authenticity, and resilience influence individual and group norms. They can be used to build and sustain community. Empathy is the ability to see through the eyes, hear through the ears and feel the world as others do. Curiosity drives them to gather enough information to have an informed opinion; authenticity instills the courage to be authentic and the compassion to allow others to do the same, and resilience opens hearts to accept feedback, take what serves them, then discard the rest.

Creating a trusting community takes time. Workshops led by outside consultants and coaches can help get things started as well as provide individual and group guidance, but trust is an inside job. Each member of the workplace community from the CEO to the front-line receptionist has to put in the work because work relationships work for those who work on them. What will it take to attract, and retain collaborative-productive community members in your organization?

Feel free to share your thoughts about how you use your influence in the workplaceTo learn more about my coaching practice visit