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As mentioned in my June 22 blog post, I am an Executive Coach, Author and Inspirational Speaker. I joined the Public Speakers’ Association (PSA) a few weeks ago. My first assignment is to write a signature talk; a speech that defines me. One that explains who I am, describes what drives me. A speech that reveals my journey including vulnerabilities, set-backs triumphs and works-in-progress. In other words, PSA wants me to keep it real.

My first draft was too narrow. It merely described my coaching practice with a few antidotes sprinkled in. To meet the requirements of the assignment, I need to provide much more, my purpose.

Through my habits and instincts, I detected my purpose which is to uplift others and help them reach their true potential. That has been my life story. I have been mentoring, advising and coaching all my life.

If I saw a need and support organizations didn’t exist, I created them. Rather than just talk about what a coach does, I am now able to share what I believe, and most importantly, why coaching is so important especially during the COVID pandemic and social unrest.

In-person interaction is the best way to help others. Eye contact, voice tone and body language add more meaning to spoken words. Effective constructive communication is so important right now. Relationships matter. My challenge is to create quality remote connections that allow me to stay true to my purpose during and after the viral and social crises of 2020.