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What do you want to accomplish in 2024?

What is the first step you need to take to make it happen?

I remember my first day back to work after the Christmas and New Year’s holiday break. I had gotten a little spoiled by the relaxed schedule. Actually, I didn’t have a schedule. I stayed up late, slept in, ate more than I should have, and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I liked my job and the work we were doing was purposeful. Yet getting up early on January 2, the morning after watching the bowl games the night before, wasn’t easy.

That old phrase, “Misery loves company” is true. Everyone in the office was blurry-eyed and sluggish. After sharing our holiday stories and lots of coffee we were ready to chart our course for the day. It wasn’t what I’d call a productive day, but at least we were on the runway—the second day back from the holiday break consisted of workshop/professional development and social activities. It was a great way to reconnect while serendipitously enhancing work relationships.

On the third day, we were ready to take off. What does that look like for you and the people you work with? Organizations and individuals have many tools that help them get work done, but the same tools (options) make things more complex such as AI and remote work. Will AI replace workers or make their work easier? Should employees be given the option to work from home? While technology is advancing socio-political tug-a-wars remain. Unionization movements ebb and flow while equitably addressing systemic harassment and biases continue to be a challenge for leaders. 

True leaders rise to the occasion. If leading was easy anybody could do it. You were chosen because of your insight, skills, and experience to lead. This is a new year that brings renewed hope and new opportunities for you to show that you can lead in good and challenging times. How you mentally frame issues matters. When your will is weak and your confidence is low, you will view a situation as a problem. When you are confident and emotionally balanced, the situation becomes a challenge. But when you are creative and courageous you see the situation as an opportunity to generate solutions no one else could imagine. It’s your mindset.

In most work settings it’s all about productivity. However, as leaders you must remember the people. The holidays might have been good for you but were not for everyone—check-in with the people who work for and with you. You might even check in with your boss. So many people are hanging on by the thinnest of threads. Treat people with kindness because you could be that last thread. This Facebook meme says it best, “Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card. How you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” Make this your best year ever!

What will you do to make your workplace better? To learn more about my coaching practice, visit: