Ironically, the people in the lowest paid positions are the face of organizations. These are the people who greet clients, answer calls and make appointments for executives. If they are cordial and helpful potential and current clients will feel good about your organization. They might tell a few people about their positive encounters. An Administrative Assistant, Receptionist, Custodian even a Student Assistant can Influence how people who engage with your organization feel about it. If clients, customers, or whatever you call those who part take of what you offer have bad experiences they are often inclined to broadcast those events on social media platforms and Yelp much farther and more vociferously than those who have good experiences. You might not have known about instances of lackluster or downright rude behavior on the part of someone who works for you, but you still have to answer for it. Everyone who works in your organization represents you.
As leaders, we are responsible and accountable for how those in our charge engage with the public. That is a lot of pressure. You cannot watch or listen to every conversation employees have with patrons. Who would want to? You couldn’t get anything else done micromanaging people like that.
Don’t manage – lead. Leaders empower people to do things right and to do the right things. Policies and procedures are the how-to options for getting things done right. Why reinvent the wheel if someone has already done it. However, If you discover a better way by all means employ it and share the approach with others. Doing the right things not only requires knowing policy and procedures it requires an understanding of the vision and values of the organization, but most importantly why the organization exists. If employees feel that their success is tied to the organization’s success, they will do the right things. If doing things right conflicts with doing right things weigh the cost and benefits then make the best decision under those circumstances. That’s what leaders do.
Collective integrity and loyalty do not just happen. Leaders who concentrate on the “why” don’t need to spend as much time on the “what” and “how.” Motivated and empowered middle-level leaders will figure the strategies and tactics out. However, a lot of time has to be invested in the front end. Purpose and relationship-driven workshops and periodic reviews are the fuel that keeps the organization on track. With the correct mindset, organizational culture keeps peers from going astray. This is how everyone in the organization becomes the face you want the public to see, that is – you at your best. Change your thoughts, change your destiny!